Skin Checks
Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancers in the world, that’s why skin checks are a must!
Here in Australia we love the outdoors but unfortunately we can’t avoid the negative effects of the sun. We however control how we monitor the effects by protecting our skin with sunscreen, hats, sunglasses and clothing which covers your skin.
As well as protecting our skin, routine skin checks are crucial to ensure any skin spots or cancers can be identified early before they’re dangerous.
Dr Gavin is experienced and has special interes in skin checks and skin cancer medicine. It is recommended everyone have a routine annual skin check however some may require more regularly dependent on skin type.
A skin check appointment includeds the doctor examining your skin, assessing all moles or any visible abnormal growth of skin cells to ensure they aren’t harmful. Skin concerns found during your skin check can be biopsied or excised in the practice (more high risk or major excision may be referred elsewhere.
A standard appointment can be booked with the doctor to examine any particular moles or spots which are concerning you if a full skin check isn’t due/desired. Any spots of interest found during examination will be analysed, recorded and monitored regularly if it has potential to become cancerous.
Call to book an appointment (Phone number TBA) or click the link below to book online 24/7.