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Mon-Fri : 8am-5pm


07 3495 0118


07 3495 0119

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Registrar Training

At Bray Park Family Doctors we provide a range of employment opportunities for Registrars. We accept doctors from GPT1,2,3 & 4 to extended skills.

Dr Gavin Williams is a highly experienced supervisor and is eager to help our registrars pass their exams and get through to fellowship.

In addition to the clinical training we also try to offer a rounded education, including help and advice on the financial side of being a GP. Help and information around structuring, insurances and tax planning and investing are subjects our registrars have enjoyed.

We can also offer post fellowship job opportunities.

We are always looking to talk to aspiring young doctors & registrars, for a confidential chat with our Director fill in the contact form below to learn more.